I want to be a foster parent, where do I start?

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You’ve thought about becoming a foster and/or adoptive parent and you are ready to start the process but what to do first? Mission West Virginia is here to help you get started with the process and to provide help along the way. Below are steps that will help you get started.

1.      Contact Mission West Virginia! We will mail or email you an information guide and a list of agencies that serve the county you live in. We also have a page on our website that explains the process to foster care certification. Our guide includes Frequently Asked Questions, the steps to certification, general requirements and more. We are also available to speak with you on the phone, we are happy to answer your questions and help you get started on this journey.

2.      Read  through your information guide, this will answer many of your questions about the homestudy and certification process.  After reading through the guide you’ll know enough about that process to feel confident when you call an agency that serves your county – this is your next step!

3.      Call a few agencies in order to make an informed decision. Along with your information guide, we will have sent you a list of agencies by county. On page 10 of the guide you’ll find a list of questions we suggest you ask. After choosing your agency, you will be sent an application and the worker will get you signed up to begin the required training. Now, you are on your way!

We will stay in touch throughout the certification process to provide assistance and you can call or email us if you have questions or need assistance. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you as you open your home and life to kids in foster care.

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