Tools for maintaining a healthy, happy, and committed relationship.

Written by Becky White, Marketing Director: THINK Program 


Tool #1 

Positivity: A way of thinking that includes a large range of positive emotions; like joy, gratitude, curiosity, hope, and adventure. Practicing positivity opens us to new relationships and experiences. 


Tool #2 

Openness: People with high levels of openness are more likely to have healthy communication and consider thoughts and opinions different from their own. This doesn’t mean you have to change your values or your boundaries. The lesson for us? Listen with the intent to understand. 


Tool #3 

Assurances: Regularly show the other person that you care, are there for them, and value the relationship. Show them with actions and words. Remember, assuring someone should never lead you to feel like you have to change your values for them, especially in the areas of drinking, using drugs, or having sex. 


Tool #4 

Social Networks: Get to know some of the important people in your friend/partner’s life. While it’s important to maintain your own independence, it’s also good to have some friends in common and regularly hang out together. 


Tool #5 

Sharing Tasks: This refers to dividing responsibilities to help the other person out.  For example, you can do the dishes if your friend/partner made dinner. What other tasks might you do for those you care about? 

Rebecca White