Celebrate National Adolescent Health Month™ (NAHM™)

National Adolescent Health Month (NAHM) takes place each May. This year’s themes are designed to foster a supportive and thriving environment for adolescents. Each theme represents an area of focus that, when addressed collectively, can significantly enhance the health and well-being of young people. Let's break down these themes and explore tangible ways parents can support their adolescents through each one.

Week 1: Celebrate National Adolescent Health Month™ (NAHM™)

  • Host a family night where you discuss the importance of health and well-being. Use this time to celebrate your adolescent's achievements and discuss goals related to their health.

  • Create a health vision board together, highlighting aspirations for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Week 2: Expand Access to Health Care and Human Services & Ensure Access to Safe and Supportive Environments

  • Research local health services and discuss these resources with your adolescent. Ensure they know where and how to access support.

  • Advocate for safe spaces in your community where adolescents can express themselves freely and feel supported.

  • Foster open communication at home, encouraging your adolescent to share their feelings and experiences.

Week 3: Improve Health Information and Health Literacy & Support, Translate, and Disseminate Research

  • Educate yourselves together about health topics relevant to adolescents. Use reliable sources to improve health literacy.

  • Attend workshops or webinars on adolescent health to stay informed about the latest research and best practices in adolescent health care.

Week 4: Increase Youth Agency and Youth Engagement & Strengthen Training and Support for Caring Adults

  • Encourage your adolescent to participate in youth-led initiatives or community service. This enhances their sense of agency and engagement.

  • Seek opportunities for personal development as a parent. Engaging in workshops or support groups can improve your skills in supporting your adolescent's development.

Week 5: Eliminate Disparities to Advance Health Equity & Increase Coordination and Collaboration within and Across Systems

  • Promote inclusivity and diversity within your family and community. Educate your adolescent about the importance of equity and justice.

  • Collaborate with other parents, educators, and community leaders to address systemic barriers to adolescent health and well-being.

Across All Themes: General Tips for Parents

  • Listen actively to your adolescent's concerns and aspirations. Understanding their perspective is crucial in providing appropriate support.

  • Model healthy behaviors including physical activity, balanced nutrition, and stress management techniques.

  • Encourage autonomy by allowing adolescents to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, with your guidance.

  • Maintain a supportive environment at home that fosters open dialogue about health, challenges, and successes.

By engaging with these themes, parents can play a pivotal role in enhancing their adolescent's health and well-being. It's about creating a supportive and open environment where adolescents feel empowered to thrive. Each theme provides a unique opportunity for parents to connect with their children on important issues, reinforcing the foundation for a healthy transition into adulthood.

Rebecca White