Burnout Prevention for Helping Professionals

April 11, 2024 | 2:00 - 3:30 pm

In this webinar, Morgan Duffy-Simpson, Youth Support Advocate at Mission West Virginia with her MSW, will discuss why helping professionals tend to be at a higher burnout rate than other professions, what to do when burnout occurs, and how to find joy in our work again.

Learning Objectives:
• Objective 1: Learn why burnout is so common amongst helping professionals' fields
• Objective 2: Learn how to cope when burnout occurs
• Objective 3: Learn how to rest in a helpful way

This webinar training is 1.5 hours.
CEUs: 1.5 CEUs will be provided for social workers.

Webinar Audience: This webinar was designed for professionals and/or parents working with youth, School Counselors, Social Workers, Addiction Counselors, and Psychologists. Credentials are not required to enroll; anyone can participate in the online course.

About the Presenter:
Morgan is the Youth Support Advocate at Mission West Virginia. She has her bachelors and master's in social work from Marshall University and is a licensed social worker in the state of West Virginia. In her position, Morgan meets one-on-one with middle and high school students who need extra support due to past or current experience with trauma, mental health struggles, substance use, high-risk sexual behavior, relationship issues, poverty, and/or any other life stressors. Morgan also provides youth with resources and education to other community organizations. Morgan is specially trained on the topics of human trafficking, sexual assault, rape culture, and helping advocate for survivors who have lived through trauma. One fun fact about Morgan is that she loves food, exercise, and Jesus.